How sure are you about your brand and how people perceive you.

What is your purpose, and who do you want to attract? And, by having your own Personal (My) Brand and being aware of who you are and who you want to connect with are all parts of being the authentic YOU. You will need to be sure of your who you want to connect with and know the reasons why you do? I have listed below some points which I believe will give you a start to developing ‘My Brand’.

So what should be included in your personal ‘My’ brand? Become aware of your,

Body Language

Is so important in attracting and connecting with your target market. The way you sit, the way you move will communicate lots of information before you even speak. So it will pay you to give this the attention it deserves.


The way you dress and the way you look after yourself is essential, remember first impressions count. So, polish those shoes, and straighten that skirt.

Communication skills

Be interested not interesting, ask questions, listens to the response that will give you so much valuable information about the person you are talking with, and this will allow you to make a deeper connection and to add real value.


Say and do what you say you will, it matters what is said about you when you are not there. Remember, your job is to build your personal presence, your brand.

Managing difficult situation

Always work towards a solution even when it does not work in your favour. This is what will build your reputation as someone who can be trusted to do the right thing.

At Minds Tomorrow we are running a ‘My Brand’ a 2 day course offered on the 23rd & 24th of September 2017, book now we would love to see you there.

If you are a small business we are more than happy to explore how we can run workshops at your place of business, there are several different short courses available. We know that time is precious and you want to get the best results.

This course is a two-day exploration about the type of impact we want to have in life and work. Participants will consider and define the influence that they can have on their life and work. They will also learn skills for success and how to create those circumstances.

Want to do more?

Enrol in the My Brand program.


Book an Introduction Session

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